Sunday, November 8, 2015

One Transfer gone

Hello everyone!! I hope you all had an awesome week! So by the title of this email you can probably tell that it was transfers here in the mighty NZAM. My comp and I didn't get shifted but he got assigned district leader so we have some new responsibilities to take care of! We lost two elders in our district and got two brand new missionaries. SO I'm no longer the youngest in the mission field!!:) This week was just chill. Not a whole lot of teaching right now due to no investigators keeping the appointments we set with them. But we got a lot of potential this week so I'm excited to see how these next few weeks go!! Saturday we had a ward baptism for a girl named Brianna. If she would of waited just 2 more weeks she would of turned 9 and be considered a convert baptism haha. But it was way fun to be a part of! The dad invited us to be in the circle to confirm her so that was way powerful. Then that night we went to the ward seminary graduation and they had a massive feed!! Nothing like my graduation haha. They had a full roasted pig and ham!! IF you want to see those pictures ask my parents and they'll show you haha. Yesterday while we were having lunch and having some down time we got a call from bishop at 12:30. He asked if I'd speak for 10 minutes. Church started at 1. So I was scrambling trying to find a topic and I tried to plan like 3 topics and they all didn't seem right to share. I ended up sharing the Importance of Daily Scripture study. How we should read, understand, find the doctrine, then apply it in our lives. I felt really good about it and I had a lot of people say they enjoyed it and that they needed it. The cool part followed my talk. The lady that got up to speak after me said that her topic she chose to share was on Daily Scripture study. My mind was blown and I knew that the Spirit was with me! I knew that by listening and praying with a sincere heart the Spirit told me what to share and what my ward needed. So my challenge this week- open your heart in prayer and really be sincere about it. Take that prayer and apply it to your studies so you can apply your studies to your life. Thank you for all you do!
Love you all and have a good week!!

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